Star Master Apps

Krishna HD Live Wallpaper 1.0
Star Master
We suggest to load new live wallpaper free of charge and to enjoyall beauty of images of gods in the Indian religion.Besides beautiful live prompt you get stable and reliable operationof application for all Android versionsIntuitively clear interface of the panel of settings will allow toestablish at will a number of visual effects.Features of the app Krishna HD Live Wallpaper:- Bright natural scenes with effect 3D.- The small size of the program gives a guarantee of stable work ofsystem of phone.- Minimum consumption of energy of the battery.- Transfer of the application on the SD card of the device thatreleases random access memory of phone with any Androidversion.It should be noted simple procedure of installation with which theinexperienced user for the first time loading live wallpaper on thephone will cope even.Installation of the appendix Krishna HD Live Wallpaper is actuallyvery simple, open the homepage, then the main menu, we choose"wallpaper", afterwards"live wallpaper", icon of the application Krishna HD Live Wallpaperand all.The application Krishna HD Live Wallpaper was checked on populardevices, such as Samsung Galaxy S4, NOKIA, HTC ONE and other modelsof telephone firms. Testing confirmed stable work of the softwareand compliance with operating systems of the tested mobile devices.
Общаемся с ГИБДД без штрафов 1.0.1
Star Master
Как правильно общаться с инспектором ГИБДД? От такого разговораочень сильно зависит состояние Вашего кошелька. Как разойтись сработником ДПС без штрафов и неприятностей в суде, задумываетсякаждый водитель.Не секрет, что сотрудники ДПС часто сами нарушают закон иоткровенно вымогают взятку, подставляя тем самым, простоговодилу.Чтобы не попадаться на преступные уловки оборотней в погонах каждыйшофёр должен изучить досконально свои права и обязанности передтем, как садиться за руль и не повторять ошибок, которые описаны внашем новом приложении. В нём также собраны телефоны доверия идежурных частей Российской Федерации, по которым в случаеобострившейся ситуации можно позвонить прямо из приложения, найдясоответствующий номер в разделе Горячая Линия.В категории ВИДЕО собраны примеры живого общения водителей синспекторами при выяснении спорных моментов.В любом случае помните, что у Вас есть не только обязанности, но иправа, которые надо грамотно отстаивать. Грамотно стройте свойразговор с гаишником. Не попадайтесь на их психологические уловки.И не стесняйтесь пользоваться телефоном доверия ГИБДД(ГАИ)!Ни гвоздя, ни жезла!!!How tocommunicate with the inspector of traffic police? From thisconversation very much depends on the state of your wallet. How tobreak up with an employee DPS without penalties and troubles in thecourt thinks every driver.It is no secret that the traffic police themselves often violatethe law and openly extort bribes, substituting thus a simplecage.In order not to fall for tricks criminal werewolves in epauletsevery chauffeur should examine thoroughly their rights andobligations before you get behind the wheel and not to repeat theerrors that are described in our new app. It also collectedhotlines and duty units of the Russian Federation, which in thecase of the aggravated situation, you can call directly from theapplication, finding the corresponding number in the sectionHotline.Video contains examples of live communication drivers with theinspectors in clarifying the contentious issues.In any case, remember that you have not only duties but alsorights, which should be properly defended. Properly build hisconversation with cops. Do not fall for their psychological tricks.And do not hesitate to use the traffic police helpline (GAI)!No nails, no wand !!!
Hanuman Free HD 3D App 1.0
Star Master
We suggest to load new live wallpaper free of charge and toenjoyall beauty of images of gods in the Indian religion.Besides beautiful live prompt you get stable and reliableoperationof application for all Android versionsIntuitively clear interface of the panel of settings will allowtoestablish at will a number of visual effects.Features of the app Hanuman Free HD 3D App:- Bright natural scenes with effect 3D.- The small size of the program gives a guarantee of stable workofsystem of phone.- Minimum consumption of energy of the battery.- Transfer of the application on the SD card of the devicethatreleases random access memory of phone with anyAndroidversion.It should be noted simple procedure of installation with whichtheinexperienced user for the first time loading live wallpaper onthephone will cope even.Installation of the appendix Hanuman Free HD 3D App is actuallyverysimple, open the homepage, then the main menu, wechoose"wallpaper", afterwards"live wallpaper", icon of the application Hanuman Free HD 3D Appandall.The application Hanuman Free HD 3D App was checked onpopulardevices, such as Samsung Galaxy S4, NOKIA, HTC ONE and othermodelsof telephone firms. Testing confirmed stable work of thesoftwareand compliance with operating systems of the tested mobiledevices.
Ganesha Free HD LW 1.0
Star Master
We suggest to load new live wallpaper free of charge and to enjoyall beauty of images of gods in the Indian religion.Besides beautiful live prompt you get stable and reliable operationof application for all Android versionsIntuitively clear interface of the panel of settings will allow toestablish at will a number of visual effects.Features of the app Ganesha Free HD LWP:- Bright natural scenes with effect 3D.- The small size of the program gives a guarantee of stable work ofsystem of phone.- Minimum consumption of energy of the battery.- Transfer of the application on the SD card of the device thatreleases random access memory of phone with any Androidversion.It should be noted simple procedure of installation with which theinexperienced user for the first time loading live wallpaper on thephone will cope even.Installation of the appendix Ganesha Free HD LWP is actually verysimple, open the homepage, then the main menu, we choose"wallpaper", afterwards"live wallpaper", icon of the application Ganesha Free HD LWP andall.The application Ganesha Free HD LWP was checked on popular devices,such as Samsung Galaxy S4, NOKIA, HTC ONE and other models oftelephone firms. Testing confirmed stable work of the software andcompliance with operating systems of the tested mobile devices.
All Saints' Eve 3D HD LWP 1.0
Star Master
Features of "All Saints' Eve 3D HD LWP":- automatic and manual scrolling works at all devices!- application have a choice of settings!Main characteristics:Magic night!Pumpkins with the burning eyesBats in the night skyThe mysterious blinking sparksTerrible ghostsIt is "All Saints' Eve 3D HD LWP" by the coming holiday AllSaints'Day. You will choose our app from a set to it similar andyou won'tregret.It is the free program, without additional purchases and paymentofaccounts.On the night of the Halloween of pumpkin shine under light ofthemoon, ghosts are happy to return to this world and celebratethereturn. They dance on a cemetery near pumpkins and bats whiletheFull moon covers this sabbath of witches! To Skachatya bealsoconvinced by "All Saints' Eve 3D HD LWP" that it isreality.In this "All Saints' Eve 3D HD LWP" you will see as batswavewings, and the white shroud in which ghosts are dresseddevelops ona wind.Here Spirit of the Halloween, only 1 day in a year, but youcanfeel it during the whole year, having established "All Saints'Eve3D HD LWP" as prompt on phone screen.To instructions to establish:Main / by Menu / Wallpaper / Live Wallpaper/choose "All Saints'Eve3D HD LWP".Happy Halloween !
Cool Halloween Games Blitz 1.0.1
Star Master
Welcome to the new game world witheffect3D.Cool Halloween Games Blitz is a new arcade fascinating and fullofpassion, infinite obstacle race.As the main evil spirits which left to our world on the eve ofAllSaints' Day in game there will be a big terrible spider.He jumps runs on a path, in hope to be in time to distributionofgifts, but attributes of Hellouvinv a type of pumpkinsconstantlycome across to him.Small lamp from Jack-o-lanterns pumpkin and begging of sweets -Trikor trak. The ancient ceremony of Trik or trak became favouritegameof children which dresses up in suits of monsters and goesonneighbour's houses, frightening adults, and to cajole "ghosts",payoff from them with sweets.Features of Cool Halloween Games Blitz:the big terrible jumping spiderconstant obstacles which should be overcomecheerful musicmultiplayerThe plot of Cool Halloween Games Blitz comes with onecharacter.The big jumping spider. But he can not only jump, butalso squatunder pumpkins. Your mission consists to bring a spiderto thefinish so that it never faced pumpkin.Governing bodies:Concern the screen at the left - the spider squats.Concern the screen on the right - the spider jumps up. Everythingissimple!- Very simple management- A terrible Dark at a background- Very realistic running spider- Passion- Fight- Rating
Space Planets Sky HD LWP 1.0
Star Master
Remarkable pictures of the Universe onthesmartphone screen! The wandering planets in cold vacuum ofspace.Huge asteroids fly by by the Third planet in dangerousproximity.Watch cold stars from space depth at all thisaction.The far galaxy in the application Space Planets Sky HD LWPagainstwhich stars and asteroids slowly fly by, perfectly is inharmonywith the small planets rotating round the generalcenter.Two transparent backgrounds with the image of the planetandasteroids in one orbit create steady feeling of 3D effect duetothe movement from each other. The third background with theimageof a galaxy also moves, but with a smaller speed. It is madeforstrengthening of paralax of effect. The plneta which are flyingbyon the screen with the minimum animation recover an overallpictureand add loudspeakers to an application plot Space PlanetsSky HDLWP.The new application is installed as live wall-paper on the screenofthe smartphone and online of purchases doesn't demandanyadditional. The minimum consumption of a charge of thebatteryfavorably influences work of an operating system and doesn'tslowdown operation of the device.Main features of the application Space Planets Sky HD LWP:- Excellent graphics and effect 3D;- Small size;- Simple installation;- Transfer on the SD card;- Stable work on the majority of models of mobile deviceswithdifferent versions the ANDROID.
Крым такси и гостиницы 2015 1.0.1
Star Master
Начался новый сезон. Многие желаютпоехатьотдохнуть в Крым, в расчете увидеть все егодостопримечательности,попутно надеясь на недорогой отдых на местныхкурортах. И так, счем сталкивается человек, купивший единый билет итолько чтосовершивший перелёт в Симферополь? Или сошедший с паромав Керчи?Правильно, он ищет такси Крыма, чтобы добраться донедорогойгостиницы или санатория.Что же может предложить наша новая программа в качествепутеводителяпо Крыму в 2015 году? Мы объединили телефоны такси водномприложении с телефонами и адресами гостиниц и отелей внесколькихгородах, которые чаще всего посещаются отдыхающими.Дешёвое таксибыстро доставит Вас в любую точку на карте Крыма,будь то частныйсектор или горы, не бесплатно, но за приемлемуюцену.Кстати, карта также присутствует в приложении, по крайней мереВывсегда сможете определить свое местоположение.Что увидит человек, открывший новое приложение? Меню,карта,путеводитель и телефоны. Функции первых двух категорийпонятны.Разберем категории Путеводитель и Телефоны. Если кликнутьпострелочке путеводителя, то открывается панель с рубриками.Здесьсобрана информация об услугах такси Крыма с телефонами,тарифами иусловиями работы по пяти городам: Алушта, Севастополь,Симферополь,Судак и Керчь. Оказавшись в этих городах,путешественник можетвыбрать необходимую службу и вызвать машину поуказанному в рубрикеномеру. Для этого следует пройти в категориюТелефоны и найдянужный номер просто кликнуть по нему длявызова.Ищущие где отдохнуть в Крыму, также в категории Путеводительнайдутинформацию о гостиницах и отелях с тарифами 2015, адресамииномерами телефонов. Добавлены фото номеров отелей. Звонокпотелефону в указанные гостиницы также осуществляется изкатегорииТелефоны.Мы очень надеемся, что наше приложение станет хорошим помощникомвВашем путешествии по Крыму 2015 года. Хотим сообщить, чтовследующих обновлениях программы будут доступны онлайн вебкамерыКрыма.Хорошей Вам погоды и приятного отдыха на море!A new season. Manyarewilling to go relax in the Crimea, in the calculation to seeallthe sights along the way hoping for a cheap holiday atlocalresorts. And so, faced with what people who bought one ticketandjust made the flight to Simferopol? Or descended from the ferryinKerch? That's right, he's looking for a taxi Crimea, to get toacheap hotel or resort.What can offer our new program as a guide to the Crimea in 2015?Wehave combined the taxi phones in one application withtelephonenumbers and addresses of hotels in several cities, whichare oftenvisited by holidaymakers. Cheap taxis will take youquickly to anypoint on the map of Crimea, whether private sector orthemountains, not free, but at a reasonable price.By the way, the card is also present in the application, atleastyou can always determine your location.What sees the man who discovered a new application? Menu,maps,guides and phones. Functions of the first two categories areclear.Let us guide the category and telephone. If you click on thearrowguide, the panel opens with headings. It contains informationaboutthe services of a taxi Crimea with phones, tariffs andoperatingconditions in five cities: Alushta, Sevastopol,Simferopol, Kerchand Sudak. Once in the cities, the traveler canchoose the desiredservice and cause the car to the specified numberin the category.To do this, go into the category Phones and findingthe desirednumber just click on it to call.Asylum where to rest in the Crimea, in the category TravelGuidewill find information about hotels with rates in 2015, addressandtelephone number. The photos of the hotel room. A phone callinthese hotels also performed from the category Phones.We very much hope that our application will be a good assistantinyour trip to the Crimea in 2015. We would like to announce thatinthe next update of the program will be available onlinewebcamCrimea.Have a nice weather and a relaxing holiday at the sea!
Vishnu HD Live Wallpaper 1.0
Star Master
We suggest to load new live wallpaper freeofcharge and to enjoy all beauty of images of gods in theIndianreligion.Besides beautiful live prompt you get stable and reliableoperationof application for all Android versionsIntuitively clear interface of the panel of settings will allowtoestablish at will a number of visual effects.Features of the app Vishnu HD Live Wallpaper:- Bright natural scenes with effect 3D.- The small size of the program gives a guarantee of stable workofsystem of phone.- Minimum consumption of energy of the battery.- Transfer of the application on the SD card of the devicethatreleases random access memory of phone with anyAndroidversion.It should be noted simple procedure of installation with whichtheinexperienced user for the first time loading live wallpaper onthephone will cope even.Installation of the appendix Vishnu HD Live Wallpaper isactuallyvery simple, open the homepage, then the main menu, wechoose"wallpaper", afterwards"live wallpaper", icon of the application Vishnu HD LiveWallpaperand all.The application Vishnu HD Live Wallpaper was checked onpopulardevices, such as Samsung Galaxy S4, NOKIA, HTC ONE and othermodelsof telephone firms. Testing confirmed stable work of thesoftwareand compliance with operating systems of the testedmobiledevices.
Shiva Free HD 3D App 1.0
Star Master
We suggest to load new live wall-paper freeofcharge and to enjoy perfection of an image of great Shiva.Besides beautiful live prompt you get stable and reliableoperationof application for all Android versionsIntuitively clear interface of the panel of settings will allowtoestablish at will a number of visual effects.Features of the application Shiva Free HD 3D App:- Bright natural scenes with effect 3D.- The small size of the program gives a guarantee of stable workofsystem of phone.- Minimum consumption of energy of the battery.- Transfer of the application on the SD card of the devicethatreleases random access memory of phone with anyAndroidversion.It should be noted simple procedure of installation with whichtheinexperienced user for the first time loading live wallpaper onthephone will cope even.Installation of the Shiva Free HD 3D App app is actuallyverysimple, open the homepage, then the main menu, wechoose"wallpaper", afterwards"live wallpaper", icon of the application Shiva Free HD 3D Appandstop.The application Shiva Free HD 3D App was checked on populardevices,such as Samsung Galaxy S4, NOKIA, HTC ONE and other modelsoftelephone firms. Testing confirmed stable work of the softwareandcompliance with operating systems of the testedmobiledevices.
All Souls` Day 3D HD LWP 1.0
Star Master
<< All Souls` Day 3D HD LWP >>withthe scary picture for the mobile phone. The Halloween comes!Youlove ghost stories? Then this live wall-paper for you,surprisingregistration for the screen! You can download <<All Souls`Day 3D HD LWP >> and decorate the phone with atype ofterrible pictures right now. The type of the zombie andvampires,flight of witches, shouts of demons, leprosy of ghosts ispleasant,there is no the oppressing atmosphere of old locks? Darkvaults andhaunted houses inspire? You found that looked for!Follow instructions on installation:Main - Menu - Wallpaper - Live Wallpaper• Press the button to see the background image if it was pleasant-safely establish live wallpaper.• To establish as wall-paper or prompts.• Compatibility from 99% of mobile devices.• Energy consumption process is optimized.Illusive season not far off! Download and enjoy horrors of funofghosts! Terrible the Halloween the picture expects you!Thereforehurry and download terrible << All Souls` Day 3D HDLWP>>! Everything, can expect the real memento mori now!Ghosts and skeletons, haunted houses and cemeteries symbolizeanimage of death. Witches and goblins, silhouettes of black catsareevil symbols. It is considered to be symbols of a croppumpkins,turnips, effigies and carts of corn. Terrible << AllSouls`Day 3D HD LWP >> only in one click from you.Halloween is a way cheerfully to spend time. It is time toreplaceold background images on new with imitative or sympatheticmagic.Everything is absolutely free!
Mermaid Costume Ideas 2015 1.0
Star Master
Ideas ended how to make ornament toHalloween?Look for inspiration looking at works of the friends?DownloadMermaid Costume Ideas 2015 and ideas prbenut in your headto beprepared correctly for a meeting of All Saints' Day.Want to surprise friends and neighbors with original ornament orasuit, then Homemade Halloween Costume that you look for!In thoughts of one thousand options of production of a suitofghosts or a small lamp with witches, but you can'tchoose?Everything is simple - open the application and look aspeoplealready solved a similar problem!Safely involve native in creative process, they for certain liketomake something the hands! Help the child to make own ornamenttoHalloween and you will become the real magician and the wizardinhis eyes.Vestments in carnival costumes — rather recently arisenholidayelement. For the first time as full-fledged custom it wasrecordedat the beginning of the XX century and goes back to theAmericantraditions of fancy-dress parties. For the first timecarryingfancy dresses on the Halloween is registered in 1895 inScotlandwhen children walked in masks on houses and receivedcandies,cakes, fruit and money.Sami Hellouin suits considerably changed for last decades.Initiallysuits were images of ugly emaciated faces of people. Itlooked farnot festively and rather frighteningly. But already bythe beginning2000 suits more and more got bright images and theholiday turnedinto show.In the new Mermaid Costume Ideas 2015 app there is anopportunityto share new idea with friends on a network. TheMermaid CostumeIdeas 2015 appendix will present you the originaldecision orbeautiful idea of own suit or ornament.Receive ten free ideas from this appendix.Functional features:- Detailed description and some photo.- Video on a similar subject.- Saving of the appendix on the SD card.- Share idea with friends.- Simple use: the menu to open, new ideas in the app.
Outdoor Halloween Decorations 1.0
Star Master
Ideas ended how to make ornament toHalloween?Look for inspiration looking at works of the friends?DownloadOutdoor Halloween Decorations and ideas prbenut in yourhead to beprepared correctly for a meeting of All Saints'Day.Want to surprise friends and neighbors with original ornament orasuit, then Outdoor Halloween Decorations that you look for!In thoughts of one thousand options of production of a suitofghosts or a small lamp with witches, but you can'tchoose?Everything is simple - open the application and look aspeoplealready solved a similar problem!Safely involve native in creative process, they for certain liketomake something the hands! Help the child to make own ornamenttoHalloween and you will become the real magician and the wizardinhis eyes.Vestments in carnival costumes — rather recently arisenholidayelement. For the first time as full-fledged custom it wasrecordedat the beginning of the XX century and goes back to theAmericantraditions of fancy-dress parties. For the first timecarryingfancy dresses on the Halloween is registered in 1895 inScotlandwhen children walked in masks on houses and receivedcandies,cakes, fruit and money.Sami Hellouin suits considerably changed for last decades.Initiallysuits were images of ugly emaciated faces of people. Itlooked farnot festively and rather frighteningly. But already bythe beginning2000 suits more and more got bright images and theholiday turnedinto show.In the new Outdoor Halloween Decorations app there isanopportunity to share new idea with friends on a network.TheOutdoor Halloween Decorations app will present you theoriginaldecision or beautiful idea of own suit or ornament.Receive ten free ideas from this appendix.Functional features:- Detailed description and some photo.- Video on a similar subject.- Saving of the appendix on the SD card.- Share idea with friends.- Simple use: the menu to open, new ideas in the app.